lundi 24 août 2009

Something about us!

Who were we ?

We were 21 young volunteers from several european countries who came to Blanzat to take part in a voluntary project. This project was supported by European Union.

Where did we come from ?

We were participants from 4 countries. The respective associations are :
  • Citizens in Action from Greece,
  • Inex-Sk from Slovakia,
  • GSM from Turkey,
  • Etudes et Chantiers from France

When and where ?

August 13th – 27th in Blanzat (Auvergne, France)

What was the aim of the project ?

The aim was to learn more about voluntarism, exclusion and about people who take part in voluntarism projects with a specific focus on people with fewer opportunities.

What about our daily life ?

  • We slept in tents, woke up every day at 9 o’clock,
  • We cooked by ourselves (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and washed dishes,
  • We took part in morning energizers, games and workshops linked to voluntarism and teambuilding,
  • We cleaned the area of the camp,
  • We had also free time.

What did we do in our free time ?

  • We organised family afternoon and sport tournament for local people,
  • We visited Clermont-Ferrand (dinner in typical restaurant), we went hiking on the 2 vulcanos Puy de Dôme and Pariou, and we went for a picnic to the park of Volvic,
  • We enjoyed swimming in the lake of the Gour de Tazenat and a magnificent firework in park Montjuzet.
Each country introduced its traditions and national food in intercultural evenings.

What did we work with ?

  • We spent a day on the working camp of the long term inclusion workcamp, tried their work and had barbecue, invited them to take part in our workshops,
  • We had funny workshop with Jean-Pierre (Eurotrip) who organizes english coffee,
  • We had a discussion with the associatons Meltin’Art and UNAREC, about their work.

What was the result of our project ?

  • We made special tools for next volunteers to show them how easy and satisfying it is to become a volunteer,
  • We created posters which every organization can use for propagation of voluntarism,
  • We made an internet blog. There are also informations about our youth exchange,
  • Finaly, we finished movie.

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