mardi 25 août 2009


Getting know each other game

Everyday lunch together

Slovak evening

Nikos from Greece with typical slovak handmade products

Presentation of UNAREC in our camp

Energizer before workshop

Teambuilding game 1

Teambuilding game 2

All participants in one tent

Traditional greek dance

Hard working with inclusion long term project


Dinner in Clermont Ferrand

All together

Greek lunch

What do you know about Turkey ???

Making henna

Open the door of voluntarism

Mert from Turkey with the vulcano chain in background

We all love Puy de Dôme

Black Jack’s music


We made 5 different posters to explain what is voluntarism and show that everybody can be a volunteer. We plan to put them everywhere is possible (Waiting rooms, streets, shops...). They are available in 5 different languages : English, French, Turkey, Slovak and Greek.

lundi 24 août 2009

Something about us!

Who were we ?

We were 21 young volunteers from several european countries who came to Blanzat to take part in a voluntary project. This project was supported by European Union.

Where did we come from ?

We were participants from 4 countries. The respective associations are :
  • Citizens in Action from Greece,
  • Inex-Sk from Slovakia,
  • GSM from Turkey,
  • Etudes et Chantiers from France

When and where ?

August 13th – 27th in Blanzat (Auvergne, France)

What was the aim of the project ?

The aim was to learn more about voluntarism, exclusion and about people who take part in voluntarism projects with a specific focus on people with fewer opportunities.

What about our daily life ?

  • We slept in tents, woke up every day at 9 o’clock,
  • We cooked by ourselves (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and washed dishes,
  • We took part in morning energizers, games and workshops linked to voluntarism and teambuilding,
  • We cleaned the area of the camp,
  • We had also free time.

What did we do in our free time ?

  • We organised family afternoon and sport tournament for local people,
  • We visited Clermont-Ferrand (dinner in typical restaurant), we went hiking on the 2 vulcanos Puy de Dôme and Pariou, and we went for a picnic to the park of Volvic,
  • We enjoyed swimming in the lake of the Gour de Tazenat and a magnificent firework in park Montjuzet.
Each country introduced its traditions and national food in intercultural evenings.

What did we work with ?

  • We spent a day on the working camp of the long term inclusion workcamp, tried their work and had barbecue, invited them to take part in our workshops,
  • We had funny workshop with Jean-Pierre (Eurotrip) who organizes english coffee,
  • We had a discussion with the associatons Meltin’Art and UNAREC, about their work.

What was the result of our project ?

  • We made special tools for next volunteers to show them how easy and satisfying it is to become a volunteer,
  • We created posters which every organization can use for propagation of voluntarism,
  • We made an internet blog. There are also informations about our youth exchange,
  • Finaly, we finished movie.

dimanche 23 août 2009


For more information :

Service Civil InternationalService Civil International (SCI) is a peace organisation that co-ordinates international voluntary projects for people of all ages, cultures, religious and economic backgrounds.
Union Nationale des Associations Régionales Etudes et Chantiers (UNAREC)
Youth Action for Peacee (YAP) Youth Action for Peace is an international peace movement which aims for societies of peace, justice, and self determination.Working in conflict and post-conflict areas such as Algeria, the Balkans, Palestine, and West Sahara is one of the priorities of YAP.
INEX Slovakia

INEX Slovakia is a non-profit NGO (non-governmental organization) of young people with global field of activity. The main purpose of our organization is active participation in international voluntary actions, programs of youth exchange via international exchange network:

GSM YouthGSM-Gençlik Servisleri Merkezi 1985 yılında uluslararası kültürel gençlik değişim projeleri organize etmek amacıyla Ankara'da kurulmuştur.
Citizens in action.A Non Governmental Organization for young people in Athens and in Greek periphery.
We believe that active participation of young people in the life of their community and in national and European contexts in substantial for a strong civil society and democracy.
International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) Americas Americas Africa Europe Asia ICYE is an international non-profit youth exchange organisation promoting youth mobility, intercultural learning and international voluntary service.
ICYE organises long and short-term exchanges combining home stays with voluntary service in more than 34 countries around the world.
European Youth Forum The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is an independent, democratic, youth-led platform, representing 99 National Youth Councils and International Youth Organisations from across Europe. The YFJ works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives, by representing and advocating their needs and interests and those of their organisations towards the European Institutions, the Council of Europe and the United Nations.
EUROPA - European Commission
UNESCOUNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized United Nations agency, it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communicatin are the means to a far more ambitious goal : to build peace in the minds of men
Europa - The European Union On-Line
EUROPA is the portal site of the European Union ( It provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion, access the websites of each of the EU institutions and find out about the policies administered by the European Union under the powers devolved to it by the Treaties.